Thursday, May 1, 2014

The More results I get from Bubblews

Until now I've done as much as 7 times the redemption process, for the first through sixth had the money I pull into my local bank account. While the seventh, just this morning and in the clearing entry into my paypal account, and is currently $ 59.24.

The money from my income to the six I used to buy a satellite dish to watch television at home, as long as the television is in my house very ugly picture and sound quality. I have a plan that the money from my income 7 and 8 will I use to buy a new laptop, so I can take it to the office and use it to play bubblews in office.

So with the new laptop I can play bubblews whenever and wherever. If you are interested I can generate revenue as in bubblews, immediately joining the bubblews community, please click here

My income in bubblews to date after redemption to 7



  1. bang .
    kan gua redeem dri bubblews trus knp ga masuk ke paypal gua ya ?
    apakah gara2 paypal gua ga ke verif ya ?
    NB: redemnya tgl 23 juni

    1. Paypal belum verifikasi masih bisa terima uang dari mana saja (itu sudah pernah saya tanyakan ke paypal). Sekarang waktu redeem lebih lama, sekitar 17 ato 18 hari bahkan ada yang sampai 21 hari baru masuk ke paypal. Sabar aja...

  2. wah saya nggak paham mas soale bahasa inggris. Btw thanks ya atas share nya ;)
